BIOWAYS brought the bioeconomy into the European Researchers Night 2017
This year edition of the European Researchers Night, counted with BIOWAYS’ presence in Rome, Cesena, Bologna (Italy) and in Aveiro (Portugal).
In ITALY, on the 28, 29, 30 September 2017, BIOWAYS organised many different activities from workshops, laboratories to exhibitions and activities for schools. BIOWAYS created different areas allowing the public to discover the Bio-based products through demonstrations and experiment, showing practical everyday applications, such as:
Constructions and insulation, natural painting, bioenergy, biofuel and biogas, catering disposals, etc.
Around 1000 persons (mainly children and families) have visited our exhibition stand that was enriched by research and products provided by our supporting partners.
CNR (Italian National Research Council) researchers brought examples of Bio-Plastics made from Cannabinoid-free Cannabis sativa (CNR-IBAF Institute of Agro- Environmental and Forest Biology, Montelibretti) and Biodiesel from dewatered wastewater sludge (CNR-ISTM Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies, Milano). The company ECOZEMA provided several examples of Bio-based catering disposal from maize starch and cellulose pulp.
The new Serious Game “Bio…WHAT?” was also presented for the first time to students and families.
The game is an edutainment tool developed by the BIOWAYS project, in partnership with the BioSTEP project, to raise young generations’ awareness about Bioeconomy, stimulating curiosity and delivering information and contents about Bio-based Products. More than 350 children played at the online game (or assisted the game play).
Moreover, the ISAAC project was hosted during the workshop “Educational games and educational solutions to increase the impact of scientific and research results and involve the general public and new generations” with the game BUCK BRADLEY COMIC ADVENTURE, a comic book narrative dealing topics such Biogas and Bio methane.
In PORTUGAL, on the 29 of September 2017, BIOWAYS set up a bioeconomy space, where more than 130 visitors from all ages interacted in different activities, such as
PAINT with bio-based colours made from red cabbage and other elements to get different colourings;
PLAY the Bio…WHAT game and learn what different natural feedstocks, like elephant dunk or sugar, are used to produce what type of bio-based products;
SEE and TOUCH products like plates, bowls, cutlery… produced using maize starch and cellulose pulp;
READ our factsheets with information about different types of bio-based products and their applications.
And after all, LEARN about the significant potential of the bio-based products and the positive impact in our everyday lives.