BIOWAYS is pleased to announce that, following the call published earlier this year, 22 high level experts have joined the project’s “reference group”. The objective of the group is to advise and support the BIOWAYS partners on their mission to enhance the visibility and potential of bio-based products and applications.
The reference group is made up of experts from various disciplines in the research community, policy advisers, entrepreneurs, data scientists and the general public, from different sectors.
1. Bio-based chemicals
2. Bioplastics / biomaterials / packaging
3. Advanced biofuels (including aviation)
4. Biosurfactants
5. Biolubricants
6. Food ingredients and feed
7. Bioenergy
8. Bioeconomy
Interaction with members of the reference group will be done both ad-hoc (remotely) as well as during social hack-days and pilot training seminars that will be organised to facilitate direct interaction and seek advice about BIOWAYS’ key findings.
The profiles of some members of the reference group are available here.
The recruitment process is still open. If you are interested in being part of this group, please fill in an expression of interest form here.