The LIFE FUTURE project – Sustainable Urban FUrniTURE: Tool design to perform environmental assessments in the green procurement – is an European project (funded by the LIFE Programme) aiming to promote green public procurement (GPP) with a focus on the urban furniture sector (street bins, benches, playgrounds, etc.). The main objective of LIFE FUTURE project is to tackle the main barriers that hinder the generalization of GPP in this product group: the difficulty for personnel in charge of public procurement procedures to include environmentally oriented clauses in terms of reference, due to their little product knowledge and objective criteria available. For this, an online tool will be developed and validated during the project: the Green Urban Furniture Tool (GUF Tool). The GUF Tool will support public bodies with the decision making related to the purchase of more environmentally friendly urban furniture throughout the whole tender process, from the generation of the environmental requirements that they must include in the call for public tenders to the comparative environmental assessment of the products offered by different suppliers.