BioLinX supports participants in FP7 and H2020 projects to commercialize their innovative ideas, and to connect them to knowledge, regional networks, new partners and funding opportunities. Our unique Innovation Support Programma helps you in finding the missing link in your value chain in order to:
- increase the Technology Readiness Level of your innovation
- decrease the time to market
We consider existing European projects as our starting point to identify potential innovation opportunities. We scout, screen and select the opportunities and jointly define the best possible support mechanism. We apply a narrow focus on feedstock, process and product (based on agro & forestry residues) because it is our strong belief that this will enhance the possibility to find relevant (new) partners, to add relevant intelligence and point towards relevant markets. Parts of the support programme are also open to entrepreneurs working on biobased innovations.
The project is one of the relevant initiatives supporting the development and uptake of bio-based products at European and regional level identified by BIOWAYS. They have collaborated with BIOWAYS by providing valuable insights into their work and meaningful evidence and information regarding a series of areas such as their expected outputs and market uptake, the legislation and policy framework that affects them, the user’s perspective on their outputs and the impact, visibility and exploitation potential of their project/outputs