During the first months of the BIOWAYS project, a thorough literature review of the application areas and market penetration of bio-based products was conducted, in our effort to analyse the maturity level of the bio-economy in Europe.
The review focused on the following bio-based market segments:
- Bio-based chemicals and building blocks
- Bioenergy and biofuels
- Bioplastics/ biomaterials
- Bio-based food and feed ingredients
- Biosurfactants
- Biolubricants
This was done along with an assessment of possible barriers to uptake, growth and future trends that characterise each specific sector and specific case studies. The report also includes information about bio-refineries and about basic supply chains that result in bio-based products with various market applications from forestry, agriculture and waste. Moreover, the report addresses existing legislation and policy frameworks relevant for contributing to the evolution of the bioeconomy.
The analysis was supported by the views of 41 key stakeholders in the field of bio-based production in Europe, as expressed through qualitative interviews. The report will soon be available at www.bioways.eu so stay tuned.